Having made 8 goal contributions so far is enough to see Neymar as determined to pull the strings and okey to say that he is a threat.
PSG has had eye on mbappe to deliver in recent times and he’s the teams Superman which is evident from the extravagant contract they agreed just to stop his move to Madrid in Summer.
PSG President said in a statement that Messi Will be in his full beast nature this season but it is like Neymar got challenged and took the statement to be personal.
Anyhow it goes, the expectations on the Mbappe-Messi-Neymar (MMN) trio did not deliver the expected outcome last season. Messi struggled, Neymar fumbled and Mbappe beyond all odds was the man but it wasn’t just enough to get his sole efforts working to fruition.
Neymar has 5 goals and three assist so far making him the highest of the three so far, despite the rumours and speculation of him leaving PSG in Summer it never tore him down.
He’s determined to pulled the strings, who says hard work don’t pay off? Well apparently it does and evident on Neymar Jnr.
For long league 1 has not been the aim, although it is very important for the team to secure but taking this foe to the UCL will go a long way in reaffirming his determination.