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DEVELOPING: Lecturer accused of rape, dismissed from work, awaiting trial


Adamu Gambo Hudu, a health lecturer that was arrested for alleged raping of his student has been dismissed from work by Al-Ma’arif College of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Sciences, a private nursing school in Potiskum local government area of Yobe State.

This was confirmed by the school authority on Sunday night where it noted that it did not hesitate to terminate his appointment even before his arrest by the police.

The school also said that they have zero tolerance for such act by any of their employees.

MaidawaArewa had reported earlier how he was arrested by the police on charges of rape, molestation and bridge of trust among other things.

In a letter dated 24th February 2024, which was made available to MaidawaArewa, the accused is also alleged with sexual activities and academic intimidation of three other students.

“Subject: Termination of Engagement with Al-Ma’arif CNS, Potiskum
The Appointment, Promotion & Disciplinary Committee of the College has approved your termination of engagement with the College with immediate effect. The reason for the termination is on the ground of the following established offences:

  1. Illicit affair with one of our students (name withheld for obvious reason)
  2. Moral victimization of our three students (names withheld for obvious reason)
  3. Academic intimidation of one of our students (name withheld for obvious reason)
    The above offences contravene the Laws of the College as contained in Chapter 1, Section 1.3.22 of the CoS.
  4. For these reasons you’re to handover all the booklets and properties belonging to the College that are with you to the Heads of Departments of Nursing and Midwifery respectively and await further action to be taken against you for breach of trust by both the College and the parents of the affected student.
  5. This is for your information,” the letter reads.

According to our sources, Mr. Hudu is currently under prison custody as directed by a court order, pending his trial.

However, this is coming after the lecturer’s other alleged victims were invited by the police for questioning on Thursday as part of their investigation.

Hudu is also an employee of Yobe State government under State General Hospital, Potiskum.

There is however, no official statement from the government on the issue at the time of filling this report.

DEVELOPING: How a lecturer is luring his students for sex and rape in Yobe


Following the arrest of Mr. Adamu Garba Hudu, a lecturer at Al-Ma’arif, a private nursing school Potiskum, in Yobe State, for alleged raping of one of his students, another victim of his sexual exploitation has revealed how he use to lure his students for ‘sex for grade’.

Also an employee of State General Hospital, Potiskum, Mr. Hudu was arrested by police on Tuesday for alleged ‘rape, molestation and breach of trust and is going further investigation’ as stated by the police command in the state.

The victim of Mr. Hudu who opened up to this reporter said the news of his arrest gave her and others the courage to open up on their experience with him.

For security reasons, she declined her name to be mentioned in the report.

ALSO READ: Health lecturer arrested for raping his student in Yobe

“As I talk to you right now, food is in front of me but I couldn’t eat, I am traumatized by the news of his arrest,’’ she said.

As a student of Al-Ma’arif nursing school, she said Malam Hudu is their Mental Health Psychiatric Nursing lecturer, and it all began when she complained to him about her personal health problem.

‘‘He tried to take advantage of me and asked me to see him in his office at the hospital, that it is the only way to examine my health issue.

‘’When I met him, he only talked about my health issues in less than a minute, then he diverted into a different conversation I was not comfortable with,’’ she narrated.

Explaining further, she said he claimed to be in love with her and that he wants to marry her.

‘’He continue making promises that he will take care of my responsibilities and that I will never fail any course in school,’’ she added.

Few months later after writing his course exams, Research Statistic, she recalled that Mr. Hudu called her and claimed that she had fail woefully in the exam but pledge to help her pass it and that she should not disclosed it to anybody.

‘’He said I should come to his office but if I tell anyone, we will both be in trouble, because he will lose his job and I will be dismissed from the school.

‘’I was scared and gave him the excuse that I won’t be able to leave the school premises without a gate pass, and any of my parents will have to call the school authorities and confirm any of my excuses before I will be granted the pass, but he insisted that I should find any excuse for my parents to make the call but I told him my father is like a police man, he will eventually find out.

‘’That was when he yielded and said I should come to the office when we arrive for our clinical,’’ she said.

Out of fear and uncertainty, she reported the situation to the student affairs division and they assured her that nothing will happened if she can secure any evidence, even if just a recording of their conversation.

She noted that ever since, Mr. Hudu kept pressuring her to visit his office and then came the news of him succeeding on one of the midwifery student.

The latest victim of Mr. Hudu is alleged to have been raped in his office at the General Hospital on Tuesday.

Findings by this reporter also suggested that Hudu is a husband of two wives and has several children.

Sources also revealed Hudu has since been dismissed Al-Ma’arif. However, there’s is no comment from Yobe state government yet.

Health lecturer arrested for raping his student in Yobe


A health lecturer was arrested on Tuesday for alleged raping of his student in Potiskum local government area of Yobe State.

The lecturer, one Adamu Garba Hudu, is an employee of State General Hospital, Potiskum and Al-Ma’arif, a private nursing school in Potiskum, where the alleged victim is schooling.

DSP Abdulkarim Dungus, the public relation officer, Yobe State police command confirmed the arrest of Mr. Hudu to MaidawaArewa on Wednesday, noting that further investigation is being carried out on the issue.

“The culprit is in our custody. He was arrested yesterday for alleged rape, molestation and breach of trust. Further investigation is ongoing,” Dungus said.

Usman Alhaji Saleh, Al Maarif registrar declined to make further comments on the case when contacted via phone call.

A source close to the victim in Potiskum confirmed that the alleged rape took place in Mr. Hudu’s office at Potiskum general hospital.

“He came and picked her from home to his office,” the source, who did not authorize his name to be mentioned said.

However, the accused is also alleged of sexually exploiting his other students for grades.

Our source noted that Mr. Hudu use to lure his victims to his office using excuses of them failing his courses and offering to help them pass it, resulting to engaging in sexual relationships.

‘’He will say you have failed my course. Go and collect a gate pass from the school and meet me in my office in general hospital,’’ the source noted.

More details later…

EXCLUSIVE: IDPs, thousand others rendered jobless, plunged into poverty in Abuja demolition


An Internally Displaced Person (IDP) in Abuja, Ali Ibrahim said that the days of sleeping with empty stomach in his family has returned again.

He said this while reacting to the demolition of Area One mini market by the federal government in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja where he owns a shop.

Standing beside his temporary food stall near the remains of his former shop while granting an interview to this reporter, Ibrahim said his only source of income is selling local food in the market, and that a day without it will mean no food to eat in his house for that day.

Ibrahim, a husband of two and father of six, is a local food vendor, who relocated to the city about two decades ago, after his community in Gwoza local government area of Borno State was ransacked and occupied by the dreaded Boko-Haram terrorist group.

‘’I started selling local food in this market about 18 years ago, it is my only business since coming here. I came straight from Gwoza when Boko-Haram took over our community and if you look around, you will find many IDPs like myself in this market who come from Gwoza and other places, doing all kinds of petty jobs here,’’ he said.

He also said that he earned not less than N5,000 profit daily, which he used to take food home every day, but the demolition has plunged him into extreme poverty.

Like Ibrahim, eight of his employees were also rendered jobless among thousand others at the market.

The demolition exercise started on Wednesday Morning, January 17, and continued the following day.

According to several sources interviewed in the market, over 300 shops, containers and temporary stalls were destroyed, including a Mosque and a commercial bathrooms and toilet, popularly known as ‘Gidan Wanka’ in Hausa dialect, meaning ‘bath-house.’

They also noted that over ten thousand people work or do businesses in the market.

‘’It is not a large market but it will be hard to capture the accurate number of business people in it because many comes every day to do their businesses and go without having any physical structure like a shop, stall or shade and hundreds of people also spend their nights in their shops,’’ Wakil Babagana, another victim of the demolition said.

A barber at Area One mini market, Mr. Wakil, aged 30, is another IDP from Borno State, whose shop was demolished on Wednesday.

Also a graduate of Higher National Diploma (HND), he said he came to Abuja two years ago after he failed to secure a job, four years after his graduation and National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) year.

‘‘My ambition was to join force after graduation, but I have tried several times, including enrolling in training and screening but all in vein, and at some points, bribes were demanded from us to be enlisted,’’ Wakil explained.

He said that his decision to come to Abuja is not only to earn a living but to prove to the federal government that they are not ‘’lazy youths’’.

Another victim of the demolition, Blessing John said she is thinking of going back to her town in Niger State because she cannot survive in the city after losing their shop.

Blessing is a mother of two who also runs a local restaurant in the market with six other workers and some of them use the shop as shelter.

‘’Now that it has been demolished, we have not only lost our source of income but the roof over our heads,’’ she said.

While they continue to spend their nights in the street, Blessing said they are still hesitating to see what will happen next in the area for few more days.

The victims said that this is about the sixth time the market is demolished but would later be revived.

On all occasions they said, there was never any compensation for their lost and that notice to vacate the place usually comes only 24 hours before the demolition.

While nursing for their losses during the demolition, the victims said they are not ready to leave the premises as they are hoping to accommodate and rebuild it again.

‘’You cannot snatch people’s job just like that without providing an alternative or any compensation and expect them to just go home and stay idle.

‘’We are still squatting around doing our regular businesses but out of fear of being chased by the police because they usually come unannounced and when they are gone, we come back again,’’ a POS agent who wants to stay anonymous said.


Area One mini market is an extension of Gwagwalada motor park, located around Area One roundabout, Central Area District, Abuja.

The market has several shops, containers, and other small stalls and shades where people engage in trading activities.

The business at the market includes local food vendors, provision stores, tailoring, mechanic workshops, car washing, phones and other electronics sells and repairs, barbing saloons, POS operators, cooking gas refilling, tea joints, shoe making, laundry services, herbal medicines and others trading activities.

According to the occupants, the market is more than three decades old and has witnessed several demolitions by government, but would later be revived by the same occupants gradually, while further expansions were made within the years.

‘‘I came to this place and setup my mechanic workshop around 1992 and it was bushy at that time. I just cleared some space and started hosting customers, except for few houses, I was the only business person here at that time,’’ Garuba Lawan, a father of nine narrated.

He explained further that getting a spot at the market was initially free and undocumented but was later organized and allocation fee, annual rent, monthly and other taxes were introduced by official of the market and the name ‘Area One Mini Market’ was introduced.

‘‘I came to this place 22 years ago and I didn’t pay any money for allocation but when the market became formal about ten years ago, I paid N600,000 for registration and N5,000 monthly charges,’’ a car wash owner who wants to be recognized as AY said.

The food vendor Ibrahim also said he pays N100 daily, N5,000 monthly and N45,000 annually as rent fee and tax to the market managers.

‘’The market officials are not government workers but private people who told us they have partnership with government agencies on the market management,’’ AY added.


Area one is recognized as one of the hot-beds for criminal activities in Abuja, particularly drugs trading.

It is one of the black spots in the city that has drawn security attention for many years, within which several raids were carried out by security officials to fish out drug dealers and other criminal elements.

Therefore, many believes that the demolition is not unconnected to the criminal activities associated with the area.

‘’It is true that some bad elements engage in drugs in this place, it has been going on for years and the authorities knows that, but it is not enough excuse to destroy other people’s means of livelihood because of a few,’’ another victim maintained anonymity for security reasons said.

He added that, ‘’what the authorities do not understand is that those drug dealers do not have shops or any physical structure here, they walk around and operate with their products on themselves.’’

However, efforts to get information from officials on the reason for the latest demolition prove abortive as an officer who is said to be in-charge of the exercise declined to comment to this reporter.

According to the market people, they heard rumors that the Jabi Motor Park would be relocated to the Gwagwalada park, hence the need for expansion for adequate space.

Also, some of them believe that their services are essential to the park with or without the expansion.

‘’Food is an essential need in any motor park, so I don’t see the reason for demolishing our restaurant,’’ Madam Stella Ogba said.

Like many others, Mrs. Stella is also not ready to leave the market for whatever reason, therefore she will ‘‘continue to stay around and wait for any eventualities, because right now, I don’t know where to start looking for another place to continue my business.’’

Porn, betting sites recorded 162m Nigerian visitors in June – StatiSense


A recent report by global data and business intelligence platform StatiSense has revealed that Nigerian mobile users made over 162 million visits to porn and betting websites in June 2024.

The platform’s latest data, which highlights the top ten websites visited by Nigerians on mobile devices last month, shows a significant portion of this traffic is directed towards adult content and gambling sites.

According to a post shared by StatiSense on its official X page, the top visited websites included a mix of search engines, social media apps, and betting platforms. Notably, Xvideos and Xnxx, two adult sites, collectively received 80.18 million visits, ranking second and sixth respectively.

PRESS RELEASE Congratulatory Message to Thinklab Group and Dr. Sa’id Kori


Dear Thinklab Group,

On behalf of Maidawaarewa newspaper, we are excited to extend our congratulatory message to you, following your truimp at the recent African International Housing Show 2024.

The deserving award bestowed upon you as the African Company of the Year 2024 in Corporate Social Responsibility, at the international masterpiece is indeed worthy of recognition and accolades.

This remarkable achievement is a testament to your unwavering commitment to driving change and impacting positively on communities across Africa.

Similarly, your innovative initiatives and dedication to sustainable practices have not only set a benchmark within the industry but also inspired many organizations to prioritize social responsibility in their operations.

Your efforts in addressing critical issues such as education, health, and environmental sustainability demonstrate that corporate success goes hand-in-hand with community development.

It is equally commendable how your organization has integrated social responsibility into its core business strategy, thereby enhancing both your corporate image and the well-being of societies at large.

Additionally, we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to your esteemed CEO, Dr. Sa’id Kori, for being honored with the title of ‘African Construction Personality of the Year 2024’ at the international scene.

This accolade not only reflects Dr. Kori’s visionary leadership and significance to the construction sector in Africa, but firmly asserts himself as a force to reckoned with in the industry.

Under his guidance, Thinklab Group has not only excelled in delivering high-quality projects but has also championed innovation and excellence within the industry.

As you celebrate these outstanding achievements, know that your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed.

We look forward to witnessing further advancements from Thinklab Group under Dr. Kori’s stewardship as you continue to lead by example in both corporate responsibility and construction.

Once again, congratulations on these remarkable accomplishments!

Warm regards,

The Editorial Team
Maidawaarewa Newspaper

Musa Gwary congratulate Thinklab Group


I, Musa Gwary, Portfolio Manager of Thinklab Media, extend my warmest congratulations to our mother company, Thinklab Group Limited, on receiving the prestigious Award of Excellence as African Company of the Year 2024 in Corporate Social Responsibility.

I also congratulate my boss, Dr. Sa’id Alkali Kori, on being named African Construction Personality of the Year 2024. Your exceptional leadership and contributions to the construction industry are a testament to your vision and dedication.

Your commitment to excellence and giving back to the community through various CSR projects, including awarding scholarships to over 10,000 students and creating job opportunities for more than 30,000 individuals, is truly commendable.

I am proud to work under your leadership and be part of the Thinklab Group Limited family. I look forward to our continued success and contributions to the development of our region and Nigeria at large.

Please accept my sincerest congratulations.


Musa Gwary
Portfolio Manager, Thinklab Media

Police enforces ban on motorcycles and electrical bikes in Borno


The Borno State Police Command has issued a reminder to the public that the ban on motorcycles, including electrical bikes, in the state is still in effect.

The ban was initially implemented by the Borno State Security Council due to security challenges in the state.

ASP Kenneth Daso Nahum, the command’s spokesman in a press release on Thursday, warned that anyone found in possession of electrical or petrol-powered motorbikes will be arrested for violating the order.

Filling stations have also been cautioned against selling petrol products to motorcyclists, with sanctions and prosecution threatened for non-compliance.

Delivery and logistic companies have been advised to use tricycles (Keke Napep) for their operations in the state.

He said the police command is seeking the cooperation of the public to ensure sustainable peace and security in the state.

This move is aimed at addressing the security concerns in Borno State and maintaining public safety.

The public is urged to adhere to the ban and report any violations to the authorities.

Nigerian Navy uncovers illegal bunkering site in private residence


The Nigeria Navy has apprehended two suspected oil thieves operating an illegal bunkering site concealed in their private residence in Rivers, an official has said.

The Commander, Nigeria Navy Ship, NNS, Pathfinder in Port Harcourt, Commodore Desmond Igbo, said this on Wednesday, when he took newsmen to the site in Okwuzi community of Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area on Wednesday.

Mr Igbo said that during a raid on the building, the naval operatives discovered 200,000 litres of illegally refined diesel stored in the compound.

“The operation was conducted based on credible intelligence, leading us to a private compound used solely for illegal refining of petroleum products.

“About 200,000 litres of illegally refined diesel, bagged in sacks, are suspected to be a product of crude oil siphoned from pipelines in the area,” he said.

Mr Igbo described the operation as timely, adding that the product was already packaged for sale.

“We arrested the owner of the property and one of his workers, while efforts are ongoing to arrest others involved in the criminal act.

“Recall that few weeks ago, the Nigerian Navy relaunched the phase three of Operation Delta Sanity aimed at curbing crude oil theft, illegal bunkering and related illicit activities in the Niger Delta.

“The stealing of crude oil is bad for the economy, and so, NNS Pathfinder is determined to apprehend those undermining the nation’s economy, whether on land or water,” Igbo said.

He further said that the suspects would be handed over to the prosecuting agencies.

According to him, the illegal bunkering site has been sealed while investigation commences.

He said that the navy had been challenged to increase the country’s crude oil output to meet the OPEC quota of 1.5 million barrels per day for this year.

Mr Igbo said that the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Adm. Emmanual Ogalla, has charged naval forces to enhance surveillance around the oil installations to meet the target.

“Therefore, youths are cautioned to avoid being used as tools for sabotaging the nation’s economy through oil theft, pipeline vandalism, illegal bunkering and other illegal activities,” he said.


Gov. Sani kicks off 14.8km Kaduna Millennium Ring Road, Think Lab Group Takes Charge

Kaduna State Governor, Senator Uba Sani, has officially launched the construction of a 14.8km dual road project in Millennium City, Chikun LGA, marking a significant milestone in the state’s infrastructure development journey.

The groundbreaking ceremony, which took place at Danbushiya Junction, signals the commencement of the project, which will connect Danbushiya to other axis in Millennium City.

In his keynote address, Senator Uba Sani emphasized his administration’s commitment to infrastructure development, highlighting its role in driving economic growth and improving the quality of life of citizens.

He assured the public that the project will be delivered on time and within budget, demonstrating the government’s dedication to efficient project management.

Thinklab Group, a renowned conglomerate with expertise in housing development, finance solutions, and infrastructure, has been appointed as the contractor for the project.

Chief Executive Officer of Thinklab Group Dr. Sa’id Kori Said “With a proven track record in building construction, industrial facilities, civil structures, roads, and infrastructure, Thinklab Group is well-equipped to handle the project’s demands and we ensure high-quality delivery.”

Also speaking, the Group Managing Director, Dr. Babagana Mohammed appreciate the governor for trusting them to deliver the developing project.

“We appreciate the executive governor of Kaduna state, Senator Uba Sani for entrusting Thinklap group with this groundbreaking project, we wont take it for granted” Mohammed said.

The event was well-attended by dignitaries, including SSG, Cabinet Members, Traditional rulers, Community Stakeholders among others.

Gov. Sani launches 14.8km Millennium City Ring Road Project


Kaduna State Governor, Sen. Uba Sani, has officially launched the construction of a 14.8km dual carriageway in Millennium City, Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The project marked a significant milestone in the state’s infrastructure development journey.

The project, which will connect Danbushiya to other parts of Millennium City, is expected to boost economic growth, improve the quality of life for citizens, and enhance connectivity in the region.

In his keynote address, Gov. Sani emphasised his administration’s commitment to infrastructure development, highlighting its role in driving economic growth, improving living standards, and creating opportunities for citizens.

‘We are committed to delivering this project on time and within budget, demonstrating our dedication to efficient project management,’ he assured the public.

Thinklab Group, a renowned conglomerate with expertise in infrastructure development, has been contracted to handle the project.

With a proven track record in delivering high-quality projects, Thinklab Group is well-equipped to ensure the successful completion of the Millennium City Ring Road Project.

The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by top government officials, traditional rulers, community stakeholders, and other dignitaries.

The project is a testament to the administration’s dedication to infrastructure development and its commitment to improving the lives of citizens.

Nationwide protest: Nigerian governors meet in Abuja


Governors from the 36 states of the federation are currently meeting in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja.

The governors, under the aegis of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, are meeting at the NGF secretariat in the nation’s capital.

According to Channels TV, some of the governors started arriving at the meeting venue at about 8 pm on Wednesday.

Governors Lawal Dauda of Zamfara, Bala Mohammed of Bauchi, Caleb Mutfwang of Plateau, Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta, and Alex Otti of Abia States are already on ground.

This is as the governors of Enugu, Peter Mbah and Borno States, Babagana Zulum, sent their deputies to represent them.

The agenda of the meeting is currently not made public.

However, it may not be unconnected to the planned nationwide protests scheduled for August 1 to 10.

It can be recall that the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF, George Akume and the National Security Adviser, NSA, Nuhu Ribadu, had earlier met with ministers over the planned protest.

Meta Removes 63,000 Facebook Accounts In Nigeria For Financial And Sexual Extortion Scams


Meta has removed 63,000 Nigerian Facebook accounts involved in financial and sexual extortion scams targeting US adult men.

Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, announced on Wednesday that it has taken significant action against online scammers in Nigeria by removing 63,000 accounts. These accounts were linked to individuals using Meta’s social media services to blackmail targets after soliciting intimate photos.

Meta announced that it had also deleted thousands of additional accounts, pages, and groups that were distributing scripts on how to blackmail and sexually extort users. The Facebook accounts were involved in financial and sexual extortion scams, primarily targeting adult men in the United States.

Nigerian online fraudsters, often referred to as “Yahoo boys,” are notorious for various scams, including posing as individuals in financial distress or as Nigerian princes offering lucrative investment returns. In this instance, the scammers used fake accounts to mask their identities and engage in “sextortion,” threatening victims with the release of compromising photos unless they paid to prevent it.

Meta revealed that the removed accounts included a smaller, coordinated network of about 2,500 accounts linked to a group of roughly 20 individuals. These scammers mainly targeted adult men in the U.S., but there were also attempts against minors, which Meta reported to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in the U.S.

The investigation showed that most of the scammers’ attempts were unsuccessful. Meta utilised new technical signals to identify and combat sextortion activities. Additionally, some accounts were found to be providing tips and guides on conducting scams, as well as links to collections of photos for creating fake accounts.

Online scams have grown in Nigeria as economic hardships worsen in the country of more than 200 million people. Scammers operate from various locations, including university dormitories, shanty suburbs, and affluent neighborhoods.

Meta’s crackdown aims to protect users and maintain the integrity of its platforms, which include Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, from fraudulent activities and exploitation.

Chibok girl rescued after 10 years in captivity


Ihi Abdul, a 27-year-old Chibok girl, is finally free after being held captive by Boko Haram insurgents for 10 years.

She was rescued by troops of sector 1, Operation Hadin Kai on June 23, 2024, during an offensive operation at Sambisa Forest.

Ihi, a native of Kurburbula Village, Chibok Local Government Area of Borno State was found with her two children, Anas and Khadija, and was handed over to the Borno State Government on Monday at the Headquarters of Operation Hadin Kai, in Maiduguri.

During her captivity, Ihi Abdul was forced to marry Abu Darda, a resident of Gwoza Local Government Area, who later abandoned her and fled to Senegal.

She was subsequently married to seven people including to Ba’ana Bama, whom she escaped from while three months pregnant.

The rescue of Ihi Abdul brings the total number of Chibok girls rescued by Operation Hadin Kai to 19.

Director of Social Welfare, Mrs. Aisha Shettima, received the rescued victims on behalf of the state government.

This rescue is a significant milestone in the efforts to bring back the Chibok girls, who were abducted by Boko Haram in 2014.

The operation is a testament to the Nigerian military’s commitment to rescuing the remaining captives and bringing an end to the insurgency.

Ihi Abdul’s rescue is a beacon of hope for the families of the remaining Chibok girls, and a reminder that the Nigerian government and military are working to ensure their safe return.